
FREE Online Workshops and networking events!

May 19, 2020


The LEA team has been working on a program of FREE online learning and networking sessions via Zoom to support our Lean Community throughout this challenging period.

In last month’s newsletter we asked you what topics you would be interested in learning about. From the feedback we have developed a schedule of online events for the next couple of months, including sessions on leadership and coaching, daily management systems and Lean during Covid-19 – Register on our events page here. To support the learning workshops, we have also scheduled Q&A networking sessions that will facilitate deeper discussion and thinking.

During April we had over 40 attendees join us for our free Value Stream Improvement workshops. We have had great feedback from participants in the workshops held so far, with an average rating of 4.4 out of 5! Thank you to everyone who has participated and provided feedback so we can continually improve the sessions.

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